Social & Economic Development

The 19 Pacific Chapters of the PIHF have a combined population of more than 2.5 million people, spread across a unique and diverse region made up of hundreds of islands scattered over an area equivalent to 45% of the globe’s surface.

Impressive differences and commonalities amidst cultural diversity exist across the Pacific, posing both challenges and opportunities. Pacific economies are all relatively small in size, and limitations on natural resource availability threaten economic development. These narrowly-based economies are located at large distances from major markets and share extreme vulnerability to external shocks, which affect growth and can often result in high degrees of economic volatility.

The islands are also highly susceptible to the effects of climate change and natural disasters, with many ranked among the top 20 most at-risk countries in the world. Continued development progress will ultimately require cooperation and long-term commitment on the part of government bodies, international development partners and organizations active in the region.

More broadly, greater economic integration, more open labor markets, climate change adaptation, and equitable natural resource management are all-important to the Pacific realm’s long-term future.

  • Objective
  • Strategies
  • Outcomes
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  • Objective
  • Strategies
  • Outcomes
  • To narrow the gap between impact investors and social impact opportunities.
  • Make available to international business firms, an annual series of White Papers containing indispensable insights and original research and / or statistics aggregated from reliable sources, to be developed by the 19 Pacific Chapters.
  • Facilitate panel discussions on timely topics in the field of sustainable development to create impactful situations and possible solutions for all involved.
  • Greater research network to drive positive collective impact across the Pacific Islands region (long-term).
  • Improved access to authentic and current research on local economic and social development, organized under the auspices of PIHF (intermediate).
  • Strengthened engagement with and recognition by international impact investors, wishing to share expertise and skills with like-minded local corporates, individuals, and institutions (intermediate).